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Large collection antique prints Amsterdam


Etchings, old prints, Art Deco, maps and reproductions. We own a large professional collection, beautifully cut in Passe Partout or in luxury frame

  • Beautiful Vogue!

    Etchings, roadmaps and reproductions about Amsterdam,
    professionally framed in passe-partout or without frame in passe-partout

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    Every order can be framed

    Are you interested in a framed etching in real wood?
    Or a would you rather have it frameless in passe-partout?

    Find out more
  • Gerda Bleeksma

    Bridges, bicycles, alleys and Amsterdam canals, beautiful watercolours
    of typical Amsterdam settings. Her works are decorated in a very
    colourful way, containing different types of animals.
    Her prints are superbly simple and bold.

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    Hand colored etchings

    A series of hand colored by etchings by Gerda Bleeksma,
    She is specialized in children-themed paintings and decorated letters.

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  • Welcome to Antique Prints Amsterdam

    Our Antique Prints store is located at the Singel 496
    (at the well-known flower market) in Amsterdam.

    Every print is categorized and spaciously displayed.
    Are you looking for something special? Ask one of our employees,
    if we don’t have it in store at the moment, we may be able to order it.

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    Singel 496 (flower market)

    Antique Prints owns thousands of old prints, ranging from
    real etchings to reproductions and from Art Deco to roadmaps

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  • Watercolours city view Amsterdam

    Watercolours of Amsterdam, bridges, canals, country seats,
    estates and city views, partially from the region of Northern Holland.

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    Antique store in Amsterdam

    Antique Prints is a Antique store located in Amsterdam

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  • Art-Deco

    Art Deco prenten

    Large collection of Art-Deco prints from the period 1920-1940,
    elegant style, wavy ornamental lines. In short, a surprising variety of prints.

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    Beautiful art Deco prints

    Large collection vintage prints. Travel back to the twenties
    for a while, surprising at Antique Prints.

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Our old prints

Large collection of old prints of Amsterdam, animals, plants, buildings, estates and city views

Old prints,… We own a large collection of old prints from the Netherlands, Amsterdam or other cities. Beautifully cut in Passe-Partout or in a luxury frame.

Example prints

  • Louis-Vuitton
  • old lithos
  • Bart Reindersma print
  • Quail on the moor print
  • Old skeleton lithos
  • Old fish poster
  • European symbolic map
  • Old bird print
  • litho color vegetables
  • The canals in Amsterdam picture
  • Litho Europe map with countries like animals
  • Vintage Vogue Cover

What defines as an old print?

Images transmitted by a form of pressure technique using materials that function as a template, such as a sieve, or a plate and block. Use the word ‘imprint’ when referring to an individual image formed by the pressure techniques. Use the word ‘reproduction print’ when referring to the prints made of painted or drawn objects.

Are you looking for an antique or old print?

It is also possible to order:

Old prints from the period of the seventeenth century until the late nineteenth century. Originals from various subjects including Amsterdam, copper engravings, later made on steel. Images: maps, city views, botanic prints, anatomy and flora and fauna. Made by artists such as:

  • Fouguet copper engraving,
  • Terwen stick engraving,
  • Hekking lithography or stoneprints.

Antique Prints has 600 different old prints in stock.